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10 septembre 2010

Roman Holiday

Just a quick note to show you where I spent my vacation and how I enjoyed each moment of it. I was staying in a small village called Chauffour-sur-Vell, a tiny place in the middle of a fantastic region in the South of France.
Just google it. We visited lots of villages and caves and the famous city of Rocamadour. Those villages are usually well-known either for their architecture (Collonges-la-Rouge, Collonges The Red was named after its architecture, all the houses are red) or for their food. The region is just the place where you can enjoy foie gras and magret de canard, and fruits. I've never seen so many orchards in my life, as well as wasps (who love fruits just as I do).

Between visiting, I would spend a lot time by the pool, reading or listening to music. It was a perfect way to relax and I also managed to read 4 amazing books.
Of course, I also enjoyed the swimming pool, especially one day when the temp was around 41°Celsius (around a 100°F).

I fell in love with a city - called Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, not as famous as Collonges-la-Rouge but which symbolized to me the French way of life : quiet, cosy, green and simple.

This cat is a fine example of it.

We decided to enjoy the local cuisine by going to a good restaurant and do the whole menu (4 courses + hors d'oeuvres).
我々は良いレス トランに行くことによって地元の料理を楽しむことが決定

L'entrée : foie gras et sauce aux oignons
Foie gras and its red onions sauce
フォアグラと赤 玉ねぎは、ソース

Plat principal : magret de canard en croûte
Main course : magret de canard in a thin crust
メインコース: 薄い地殻のデマデmagret

Dessert : crumble aux pommes avec glace à la vanille et pain perdu
Dessert : apple crumble with vanilla ice and French toast
デザートは:り んごバニラアイス、フランスで乾杯崩れる

J'ai adoré le repas et mon ventre était énorme en sortant !
I loved the whole menu, my huge belly was an obvious proof !

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